Apartament La Illa

Apartment   Centre / Calella de Palafrugell

Apartment for sale in perfect conditions with terrace and garden located in Calella de Palafrugell, in the center just 5 minutes walk from Port Bo beach, other beaches, shopping area and restaurants.

Cozy, newly renovated apartment with a large terrace that gives access to the garden and community pools. It has a good orientation, parking space and large storage room.

Located in a beautiful residential complex with three swimming pools adapted for all ages. Spectacular common area of grass and swimming pools. Adapted place in the community for different activities, ping-pong, football and basketball.

The apartment has 75m2. Entrance hall, very bright living room with large window with sliding doors that leads to a nice terrace of about 10m with beautiful views of the common area and pool. Fully equipped kitchen with all appliances.

It has a total of three bedrooms and a full bathroom. Large double bedroom with window and built-in wardrobe. Full bathroom with shower. Double bedroom with window and wardrobe, and a third bedroom also with window and wardrobe.

Electric heating. Appliances in the kitchen. Parquet floors. Aluminum windows.

The property includes a parking space. Spacious storage room.

Features of Apartament La Illa

Calella de Palafrugell
415.000 €

  • Floor area: 75 m2
  • Floor: Ground floor with garden
  • Elavator: No
  • Rooms: 3
  • Bathrooms: 1
  • Terrace: Yes
  • Energy Rating:
  •  · Consumption: G
  •  · Emissions: F
  • View: Swimming pool
  • Communal garden: Yes
  • Private garden: No
  • Communal pool: Yes
  • Private pool: No
  • Tennis: No
  • Parking (no. vehicles): 1

Location of Apartament La Illa

More information about Apartament La Illa

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